
Monday Oct 21, 2013
Prescriptions for Health - 10/21/13
Monday Oct 21, 2013
Monday Oct 21, 2013
- Can exercise alone work as well as medications to treat heart disease, pre-diabetes, and stroke?
- Does wearing gloves and gowns in all ICU patient rooms reduce the incidence of MRSA?
- Why doctors abuse prescription drugs
- Can probiotics prevent and treat vaginal dryness?
- What is in that chicken nugget that might surprise you
Vicki's 20-20 tips
- What doctors are saying about Obamacare
- Ingredients to check for in your skin care products; bird poop!

Monday Oct 07, 2013
Prescriptions for Health - 10/07/13
Monday Oct 07, 2013
Monday Oct 07, 2013
- How safe is medical care in the US?
- What are the challenges doctors face in balancing work and home life?
- Does ownership in medical testing facilities lead to overtesting?
- What are the leading causes for hospital readmissions?
- What is the future of urban agriculture?
Vicki's 20-20 tips are:
- The salsa ingredient that purifies water
- Quotes from a friend

Monday Sep 16, 2013
Prescriptions for Health - 09/16/13
Monday Sep 16, 2013
Monday Sep 16, 2013
- Are defective genes waiting time bombs?
- How selective is our hearing as we age?
- Is having too few intestinal microbes qualify as a disease?
- Can better pain management shorten hospital stays?
- What simple, non-invasive, affordable test measures the amount of arteriosclerosis in our arteries?
Vicki's 20-20 tips:
- Homemade mosquito repellent
- A safe landing...

Monday Sep 09, 2013
Prescriptions for Health - 09/09/13
Monday Sep 09, 2013
Monday Sep 09, 2013
- How serious is the link between behavioral problems and young children?
- Here's a affordable, effective, and safe way to treat dry eyes.
- What is the best way to resolve atrial fibrillation?
- Do cranberries really prevent and treat urinary tract and other infections?
- Can flame retardants cause elevated estrogen levels?
Vicki's 20-20 tips:
- Stress management
- A cranky old man

Monday Aug 19, 2013
Prescriptions for Health - 08/19/13
Monday Aug 19, 2013
Monday Aug 19, 2013
- Is the quality of US healthcare keeping up with the rest of the world?
- What foods have been found to extend life?
- Are gang members more predisposed to psychiatric disorders or does the environment cause it?
- Can dad's obesity change sperm DNA to predispose future generations to obesity and type 2 diabetes?
- Should generic drugs enjoy protection from liability lawsuits for side effects not present on the label?

Monday Aug 05, 2013
Prescriptions for Health - 08/05/13
Monday Aug 05, 2013
Monday Aug 05, 2013
- Is the quality of US healthcare keeping up with the rest of the world?
- What foods have been found to extend life?
- Are gang members more predisposed to psychiatric disorders or does the environment cause it?
- Can dad's obesity change sperm DNA to predispose future generations to obesity and type 2 diabetes?
- Should generic drugs enjoy protection from liability lawsuits for side effects not present on the label?
- Words of wisdom
- A lesson from Bill Cosby

Monday Jul 01, 2013
Prescriptions for Health - 07/01/13
Monday Jul 01, 2013
Monday Jul 01, 2013
- What does it take to be happy, healthy, and feel good?
- Are you really what you eat?
- What improves the quality of life and longevity and yet produces loads of free radicals?
- Why is it important to manage stress naturally?
- What lifestyle factor is the most predictive of all cause mortality?
- How being overweight causes a chemical disaster?
- Why is it critical to clean up our environment?
- Why is meaningful purpose in life important for good health?
- Natural highs
- Facts of life you may not know

Monday Jun 17, 2013
Prescriptions for Health - 06/17/13
Monday Jun 17, 2013
Monday Jun 17, 2013
- Does the flu vaccine increase the risk for developing other respiratory infections?
- What does sunshine do that vitamin D does not?
- What mineral that catalyzes 300 biochemical reactions in the human body is deficient in 80% of the US population?
- What routine screening test could infect 500,000 people every year?
- How can you safely avoid a colonoscopy?
- Farmed raised fish are a curse on salmon, the ecosystem, and your health?
- What vegetable provides the most nutrients per penny?

Monday Jun 03, 2013
Prescriptions for Health - 06/03/13
Monday Jun 03, 2013
Monday Jun 03, 2013
- Should Angelina Jolie have had a bilateral mastectomy?
- Does estrogen influence the risk of sudden cardiac death?
- Can the mineral oil products you put on your skin cause cancer?
- Should doctor assisted suicide be legalized?
- Does Kava work for anxiety and is it safe?
- A sense of humor is healthy!
- Maxine's thoughts for the day.

Monday May 20, 2013
Prescriptions for Health - 05/20/13
Monday May 20, 2013
Monday May 20, 2013
- How healthcare died and became a business
- Are SSRI antidepressants safe after surgery?
- Can naturopaths reduce cardiovascular risk factors in patients seeing cardiologists?
- Do drug companies give kickbacks to doctors and pharmacists for prescribing their drugs?
- Can just one session of the relaxation response change DNA expression?
- Why is vitamin "F" important
- How toxic is your lipstick
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