
Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
Prescriptions for Health - 09/01/14
Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
- • Foreplay can begin with taking out the garbage!
- Should cancer screening be limited in the elderly?
- Why you need to have a wellness coach.
- Is prayer the answer for anxiety?
- A simple, fun, and healthy solution to improve your children’s grades.
Vicki’s 20-20 tips are:
- Recipe for natural mosquito repellent
- A common kitchen herb that can enhance your memory and more.

Monday Aug 18, 2014
Prescriptions for Health - 08/18/14
Monday Aug 18, 2014
Monday Aug 18, 2014
- Is Ebola a scam?
- When do the side effects of statins outweigh their benefits?
- What exercise can be done for just 5 minutes a day that will extend life and prevent heart attacks and strokes?
- You have cancer, now what?
Vicki’s 20-20 tips are:
- Why it is important to check food labels
- Smelling farts may be good for your health!

Monday Aug 04, 2014
Prescriptions for Health - 08/04/14
Monday Aug 04, 2014
Monday Aug 04, 2014
- Are statins castrating men?
- Why HMO medicine has no future.
- How nurturing feeds a baby’s brain
- Good new for Alzheimer’s disease: as common nutritional supplement that improves memory.
- More exciting benefits from taking probiotics.
Vicki’s 20-20 tips are:
- Surprising facts about your brain.
- Tips to keep your brain healthy.

Monday Jul 07, 2014
Prescriptions for Health - 07/07/14
Monday Jul 07, 2014
Monday Jul 07, 2014
- Lower blood pressure readings may not be better in treating high blood pressure and may be dangerous!
- What is more important in a blood pressure reading, the top or bottom number and what are the dangers of each?
- Why the most common blood pressure medication doctors prescribe can be shockingly dangerous to your health?
- How our GI tract can protect against getting diabetes and obesity.
- How can watching TV kill you?
Vicki’s 20-20 tips are:
- Yogurts that are worse for your health than doughnuts!
- Some of the amazing health benefits of pumpkin seeds.

Monday Jun 16, 2014
Prescriptions for Health - 06/16/14
Monday Jun 16, 2014
Monday Jun 16, 2014
- What you must know before starting cancer treatment: selling dishonesty?
- Does chemotherapy cause brain damage?
- Another good reason to drink red wine.
- If your sleep rhythm is disturbed your health may be in danger if you eat certain foods.
- What blood pressure medications can make you blind?
Vicki’s 20-20 tips:
- Insects and weeds be gone!
- Lessons life taught a 90 year old!

Monday Jun 02, 2014
Prescriptions for Health - 06/02/14
Monday Jun 02, 2014
Monday Jun 02, 2014
- Can Telemedicine give you the health care you want?
- When can a high protein diet kill you?
- When can sunlight help you lose weight?
- How does chocolate save your life?
- Shocking risks of taking an occasional sleeping pill.
Vicki’s 20-20 tips:
- Some of the worst foods you can put in your body.
- How can eating a salad make you tired?

Monday May 19, 2014
Prescriptions for Health - 05/19/14
Monday May 19, 2014
Monday May 19, 2014
- First impressions that can be harmful to your health!
- What vitamin increases survival in Cancer?
- Why is your ability to get in and out of a chair an important to your health?
- What can we learn from analyzing earwax?
- What is more important than blood sugar in predicting complications of type 2 diabetes
Vicki’s 20-20 tips are:
- Beware of commercial sunscreens
- Things to stop doing to yourself

Monday May 05, 2014
Prescriptions for Health - 05/05/14
Monday May 05, 2014
Monday May 05, 2014
Here is the outline for the PRN.FM Prescriptions for Health Radio Show for Monday May 5, 2014:
- What lifestyle strategies treat depression as well as drugs or psychotherapy?
- What nutritional supplement can prevent colon cancer?
- Can being slim be harmful to your health?
- What is the key to prevent and treat all chronic diseases?
- What delicious fruit can slow down cancer?
Vicki’s 20-20 tips are:
- Homemade mosquito, ant, and flea repellant
- Recipes for natural bathroom cleaners and air fresheners

Monday Apr 21, 2014
Prescriptions for Health - 04/21/14
Monday Apr 21, 2014
Monday Apr 21, 2014
- Regrets for the dying that are lessons for the living
- What to do and say to a friend who is seriously ill
- Is the Gulf War Syndrome a real disease or is it just in veterans’ heads?
- Can erectile dysfunction be treated without medication?
- What is the relationship between vitamin levels and heart disease?
Vicki’s 20-20 tips are:
- Things to stop doing to yourself
- Love-making tips for seniors

Monday Apr 07, 2014
Prescriptions for Health - Saturated Fat Myth! - 04/07/14
Monday Apr 07, 2014
Monday Apr 07, 2014
- Propaganda about saturated fat causing heart disease is shown to be untrue!
- Is there more harm than good from mammograms in women over the age of 70?
- Can fever-reducing medications such as aspirin, NSAIDs, and Tylenol increase mortality fro the flu?
- What is the role of exercise if you have cancer?
- Do you need a brain scan or MRI if you have recurring severe headaches?
Vicki’s 20-20 tips:
- How can beer reduce your risk of getting cancer?
- Top foods and herbs for healing cancer